in successful leadership?

Mission-Critical Leadership: How Smart Managers Lead Well in All Directions
If you want to be a successful leader, you must lead well in all directions. But, how can you successfully master this practice when there are so few proven and practical resources to guide you? That’s why I’ve written Mission-Critical Leadership.
The overwhelming majority of leadership books, training sessions and development programs have one thing in common. Do you know what it is? These resources focus on a single direction in the organizational hierarchy: downstream. They are about how to be a better boss or supervisor for the team you lead or the people under you on the organization chart.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s crucial to lead these people effectively. However, if that’s all you do, you have an incomplete view of leadership.
That is the core message of my book, Mission-Critical Leadership: How Smart Managers Lead Well in All Directions. If you want to accomplish your mission, you need to do more than just lead the people for whom you are the boss.
You need to lead upward to your boss.
That may seem counterintuitive, but who else has more influence on your career advancement?
You need to lead horizontally, among your peers too.
That’s the key to break down silos and get everyone working together toward bigger organizational goals.
And all leadership starts with self-leadership.
To lead others well, you must first lead yourself well. If you’re like most people, that will be your greatest leadership challenge.

My book provides leaders with the inside track to advance within their organizations, all the way to the executive level. Building this leadership framework into your culture will:
- increase employee engagement
- break down silos
- reduce turnover
- develop a flourishing leadership pipeline for future leaders
Praise for Mission-Critical Leadership
“Learn to build a culture that produces exceptional leaders across all levels in your organization. Mission-Critical Leadership is your guidebook to make that kind of culture a reality.”
–Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and only two-time #1 Leadership Thinker in the world.
“Jon Lokhorst is spot-on. You can be a great boss for your team but neglect the importance of building relationships with stakeholders in all directions. This book will help you actively engage the S Curve of Learning to become a great leader and lead at the top of your game.”
–Whitney Johnson, one of Thinkers50 top business thinkers in the world and the award-winning author of Build an A-Team
“In the realm of leadership development, you seldom find a resource as valuable as Jon Lokhorst’s Mission-Critical Leadership. This methodical approach allows leaders of all stripes to quickly find practical insights that can be immediately employed in a wide range of organizations and circumstances.”
–Maya Hu-Chan, Founder of Global Leadership Associates and Best-Selling Author of Saving Face: How to Preserve Dignity and Build Trust
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The Mission-Critical Leadership Experience
Bring the book’s companion training event, Mission-Critical Leadership Experience, to your organization. Jon will customize the Mission-Critical Leadership Experience to focus on relevant leadership gaps, hot buttons, and priorities for leadership development in your organization.